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Information Security

Marstar Canada places a high priority on the protection and safety of your personal information.

We do not store your credit card information on file when you check out on our website. Our use of your Credit Card is limited only to the transaction you authorize it for, and that information is deleted from our systems immediately after use.

When accessing our site, you should see a small padlock to the left of the URL. This indicates that the site is using Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and our website, and means that communications between your browser and the website are protected. You can read more about HTTPS protocols here

These systems help us protect your personal information, but we strongly recommend the use of a secure password with sufficient entropy to protect your account against brute force attacks.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the protection of your data.

Customer Service Commitment
Layaways available
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100% Secure Checkout